Set a Super Hero Block

To set up Super Hero Block navigate to Appearance > Customize > Homepage > Super Hero Block.

As option you can Show/Hide Super Hero Block. Use Show Super Hero Block checkbox for that.

There are 4 types or layouts of Super Hero Blocks:

  1. Super Hero Block with Right Sidebar
  2. Super Hero Block with Video Link
  3. Super Hero Block with Slider (Menu navigation at top)
  4. Super Hero Block with Slider (Menu navigation on the left side)

Location: Appearance > Customize > Homepage > Super Hero Block.

You can set or change Super Hero Block with Right Sidebar in order to do that follow the next steps:

  1. Navigate to Appearance > Customize > Homepage > Super Hero Block.
  2. Choose Super Hero Block 1.

Customize Setting:

Right Sidebar View:

– Background Image

To set up a Background Image of Super Hero Block 1 (with Right Sidebar):

  1. Navigate to Appearance > Customize > Homepage > Super Hero Block.
  2. Choose Super Hero Block 1.
  3. Select an Image from Media Library or upload a new one.

You can set the following overlays on background image of Super Hero Block:

  1. Change or set Title for image overlay
    • Location: Appearance > Customize > Homepage > Super Hero Block->Title
  2. Change or set Description for image overlay
    • Location: Appearance > Customize > Homepage > Super Hero Block->Description
  3. Change or set Button text
    • Location: Appearance > Customize > Homepage > Super Hero Block->Button text
  4. Change or set Button Link for this button
    • Location: Appearance > Customize > Homepage > Super Hero Block->Button link

– Right Sidebar

To set up Right Block Sidebar in Super Hero Block 1, choose post to be displayed in it.

Location: Appearance > Customize > Homepage > Super Hero Block->Right Block Post

You can show the following posts in Right Sidebar. Each post has it is own settings to be displayed in right sidebar.

  1. Posts with following additional settings:
    • change or set top posts
    • change or set latest posts
    • change or set top video posts
    • change or set latest video posts
  2. Events (Default) with following additional settings:
    • change or set top posts
    • change or set latest posts
    • change or set upcoming events
  3. Places with following additional settings:
    • change or set top posts
    • change or set latest posts
  4. History with following additional settings:
    • change or set top posts
    • change or set latest posts
  5. Team with following additional settings:
    • change or set top posts
    • change or set latest posts

Choose post format or popular post to be displayed as shown in following image illustration.