Full Site Editor

Full Site Editing functionality has been carefully crafted and optimized into our theme. Using the block editor and other Full Site Editor tools, you can shape and refine your website to perfection, giving you complete control over its layout and design.

The Full Site Editor gives you the ability to modify the layouts and design elements of your entire website, extending beyond the mere modification of individual posts or pages. It serves as an intuitive tool for creating and customizing web pages, templates, and themes without necessitating any alterations to the underlying source code.

A Full Site Editor can be used to accomplish the following tasks:

  • Create and modify website layouts using blocks and global styles;
  • Customize page and post templates to suit your needs;
  • Change the appearance and arrangement of website elements, such as header, footer, sidebar, etc.;
  • Apply changes across the entire website or specific pages and sections as desired.

The Full Site Editor offers a more flexible and intuitive approach to visually editing and customizing your website, eliminating the need for manual coding.

The theme comes with pre-configured templates, including:

For comprehensive information about all the features of Full Site Editing (FSE), you can refer to the official WordPress documentation.