
Feb 7, 2024

  • Bug fix: added a template for the mailchimp form
  • Bug fix: added translation strings from php setup files
  • Bug fix: changed patterns titles
  • Bug fix: updated comment heading in the start skin
  • Improvements: added new patterns for localization
  • Improvements: added new patterns – share block and related posts
  • Improvements: added translate methods to the patterns
  • Improvements: added a translation file to the psychologist skin
  • Improvements: added a translation file to the start skin
  • Improvements: updated text variables


Jan 25, 2024

  • Bug fix: added the support border-radius to the image block
  • Bug fix: replaced http to https in all files
  • Bug fix: updated menu in the start skin
  • Bug fix: fixed a few woo bugs after updates


Jan 22, 2024

  • Bug fix: images had errors in the browser console related to the image widht and height attributes
  • Bug fix: added a figcaption border-radius to the image block
  • Bug fix: fixed box-shadow color of the swiper
  • Bug fix: w3c errors
  • Bug fix: changed the phone number output – without whitespaces
  • Bug fix: comments form output if we have not comments
  • Bug fix: removed inherit=false from loops
  • Bug fix: latest-comment latest-posts core/rss were fixed displaying
  • Improvements: added extra large font size
  • Improvements: added styles to the sticky post
  • Improvements: changed the standart block separator styles
  • Improvements: stylized the quote variations
  • Improvements: separated styles for rtl
  • Improvements: menu appearance
  • Improvements: changed the appearance of the core-categories block display
  • Improvements: added styles to the standart blocks – arhives categories page-list rss tag-cloud
  • Improvements: added styles to the standart blocks – calendar, latest-posts
  • Improvements: have finished search block styles
  • Some php code improvements


Jan 6, 2024

  • Bug fix: removed empty links from templates
  • Bug fix: removed width & height from all wp-block-image
  • Bug fix: fixed a few bugs for the dark mode
  • Bug fix: added styles to the woo product review form
  • Improvements: separated the style.css into blocks


Dec 23, 2023

  • Bug fix: compressed pictures
  • Bug fix: fixed the subdomain in media links
  • Bug fix: woo start rating – fixed border-width
  • Updated skin – some improvements
  • Update core-comments block styles
  • Improvement: added width and height attributes to imgs in the both skins


Dec 16, 2023

  • Bug fix: changed sidebar buttons font-size
  • Bug fix: fixed pagination arrow bgcolor
  • Bug fix: fixed links in the theme patterns
  • Bug fix: fixed submenu link color
  • Updated herome skin
  • Added dark mode
  • Some styles improvements
  • Added translation files
  • Added support theme color gradient


Dec 5, 2023

  • Configured theme.json
  • Created templates, part, patterns
  • The styles and script that theme uses are written
  • The styles and script that woo uses are written
  • The styles and script that mailchimp uses are written
  • The styles and script that contact form 7 uses are written
  • The styles and script that yoast uses are written
  • Upload all media sources
  • Added commentaries form validation
  • Added RTL support


Sep 27, 2023

  • First release of completely rebuilt version 3