Appointment actions
Add Appointment
To schedule a new appointment from the back-end, click on the “Add New” button from the top left corner of the page and it will open a page with all the necessary details for the appointment.
Choosing “Customer” from the dropdown will allow you to book an appointment and then selecting the start time and end time for your appointment. You can also add an appointment description (if any).
Adding a new customer to your appointment can be done by clicking on the “Add new customer” button.
Upon clicking the “Add new customer” link, additional fields will appear for your custom, which automatically adds your new customer to the customer list.
After selecting appointment date, start time and end time will be filled with available and with free time period for that day according to your settings set in “Setttings” page.
After filling all required data for your appointment, click “Save appointment” button to add to appointment list or scheduled time period. Your appointment added through admin will bew saved with “confirmed” status.
Edit Appointment
Sometimes it happens that you need to make changes to an existing appointment. Maybe the customer needs to reschedule his appointment or you want to make any edits according to your schedule.
To edit an existing appointment, just click over any individual appointment’s name or arrow icon on the right of the appointment card and it will display edit page for appointment.
Editor page for appointment will look like this:
In the “Edit Appointment” page you have options to reschedule the appointment, change appointment booking status, change the customer, etc.
If you change the date, you may see that the selected time slot is not available. If this occurs, simply select a different time slot. After editting sand saving the appointment, it will notify the customers about the changes in the appointments by email as per your settings made in “Settings” page.
So, once you are done with all the changes, hit the “Save appointment” button to update the details.
Delete Appointment
To delete a specific appointment, you need to go appointment editing page by clicking on the name or icon on the right side of the appointment card in Appointments page.
It will open an appointment editting page that has a “Delete” icon on the top right corner.
Click on that icon and it will ask for the confirmation to delete. Click on the “Delete” button from the confirmation box and it will delete that appointment right away.